The Issues

“I’m running to win. To flip the Senate to a pro-family, pro-business majority that puts Virginians first. I’m running to enact the Governor’s agenda and stop the far-left madness we have seen out of Richmond. I’m running to protect our children at school, in our communities, and in the locker room.”



I will lead the fight to repeal the car tax and grocery tax. I will never vote to increase your taxes and will fight to lower your taxes and remove costly and burdensome regulations that slow growth and hamstring our businesses. I will support and advance pro-business policies that create and keep jobs in the 32nd District and oppose any new unnecessary regulations.


Overtime workers and those who work for tips are some of the hardest workers in our Commonwealth. It’s time we get the government off their backs and let them keep more of their hard-earned money. 


I am a strong supporter of Right To Work and will ensure that it is protected while I am your Senator. No one should be forced to join a Union in order to get or keep a job. Virginia is the number one state for business under Governor Youngkin, and it is in part thanks to keeping this policy. 



Parents must be at the table in all parts of their children’s education. Time and time again, parents have been left in the dark in Loudoun County Public Schools, so much so that it has continuously received national attention. As your Senator, I will work to pass a Parent’s Bill of Rights, protecting your right to be involved in your children’s education and your right to be informed of all matters regarding your children. 



All children deserve to feel safe at school. This is why we must secure all of our schools with the proper amount of School Resource officers and forbid biological men from entering women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. As you know, we have already seen the worst of what can happen when far-left social policy dictates our children’s safety and biological males are allowed in girl’s bathrooms. Transgender students deserve to feel safe as well, but protecting one individual’s emotional safety at the expense of another’s physical safety is never acceptable. I will work to find solutions that provide help and mental health resources to students in need without sacrificing any student’s safety or well-being. 



The most fundamental right in America is equality under the law, yet today’s landscape of women’s sports is fundamentally unequal. Allowing men into women’s sports undermines the integrity of the game by putting women at a competitive disadvantage and unnecessarily in danger. It is imperative that we allow young women fair opportunities to succeed and grow in sports, just as we allow young men. 



As your Senator, I will be a strong voice for school choice because a zip code should never define a student’s success. I will advance merit-based education and admission standards and stop discriminatory race-based criteria. I will ensure that school instruction is geared solely towards academic excellence and not ridden with politics or divisive concepts. Any initiative that undermines student performance or academic rigor should go unfunded. We must return to basics, remove division from our classrooms, and stop promoting mediocrity. 



The so-called “Virginia Clean Economy Act” has been disastrous for Virginia families and will only continue to wreak havoc on our wallets and our properties if it is not fully repealed. In 2020, Virginia Democrats ignored all real-world consequences and enacted this crippling legislation in order to pander to their most radical electorate. Now, Virginians are paying the price. The proposed transmission lines across Loudoun County are a direct consequence of this failed energy policy, which shut down our power plants without any replacement power generation and forced Virginia to import power from West Virginia and Pennsylvania. This is also the reason why your electric bills have increased and will continue to increase unless this policy is repealed.



No new transmission line right of way is acceptable in our communities. I will work with the Loudoun Delegation on a bipartisan basis to keep any new lines within existing right of way and prevent the taking of your property. 



Virginians are suffering due to bad energy policy. I am a strong proponent of a clean energy future, but it is imperative that we do not move too quickly as the VCEA did. Shutting down fossil fuel power generation before we have a viable alternative is unacceptable and dangerous. I intend to advance nuclear and hydroelectric power alternatives in the Commonwealth while strengthening natural gas, as it is currently the best available option.  



The greenway toll prices are entirely out of control. As your Senator, I will never support a toll increase and will actively work on legislation to implement distance-based tolling as well as prevent the state from becoming the Greenway’s debt holder.  



Congestion on our roadways is top of mind for everyone in our District, and is a persistent impediment to economic success and daily burden on our families. As your Senator, I will work with VDOT to widen our roadways and take a hard look at our traffic patterns to better optimize flow. I will fight to bring home funding in the budget for these vital road improvements. 



As a Christian, I value life and believe it begins at conception. As your State Senator, I will advance policies that help ease the burden on expectant mothers and fathers in order to reduce the number of abortions and save lives. Under current Virginia law, late-term abortion is illegal and must remain so. I will always fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. 



I am proudly endorsed by Loudoun County Sheriff, Mike Chapman and will fight for tough-on-crime policies that keep our communities safe. I will oppose radical, pro-crime policies such as raising the felony larceny threshold or eliminating cash bail. In addition, I will work with local and state law enforcement to ensure we continue to report criminal illegal immigrants to ICE. I am also a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and will fight for every Virginian’s right to defend themselves.



Fighting the opioid crisis and securing funding to treat mental health issues are top priorities for me as your next Senator. I will work with Sheriff Chapman to combat the trafficking of fentanyl in our community as well as with our schools to make sure our students and parents are armed with the proper knowledge to stay safe from these dangerous drugs. One of the first steps is mandating parents receive notification of school-connected overdoses within 24 hours.

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